Conference Videos

In Uncategorized by Kristin Loomis

Thank you to the presenters who agreed to make their presentations at the 9th International Conference on HHV-6 & 7 available to others. HHV-6 ANTIVIRAL THERAPY The Difficult Path Towards an HHV-6 Therapy Lieve Naesens, PhD, Laboratory of Virology and Chemotherapy, Rega Institute, KU Leuven, Belgium DIAGNOSTICS Diagnostic Tools and Algorithms for HHV-6 Infections in Immunocompromised Patients Agnes Gautheret Dejean, …

HHV-6 status determines effectiveness of interferon treatment in Multiple Sclerosis

In All, Multiple Sclerosis, Uncategorized by hhv6foundation

The administration of immune agents to patients (known as Interferon-Beta-1b, or IFN-beta, therapy) has been widely used in the treatment and maintenance of multiple sclerosis (MS). Additionally, it is known that the risk of MS exacerbation is much higher in patients with active HHV-6 infection than in patients with a latent infection of the virus (Lafuente 2006, 2007; Chapenko 2003). …