Review summarizes experience from Japan and U.S.
More evidence supporting the role of HHV-6 and HHV-7 as possible triggers of pityriasis rosea
Argument rests on the use of a putatively more sensitive diagnostic technique.
MicroRNA expression patterns suggest that HHV-6 may play a role in triggering systemic sclerosis
Expression pattern of several miRNAs in SS tissue parallels the pattern generated when dermal fibroblasts and endothelial cells are infected by HHV-6A and CMV.
First careful characterization of rash in immunocompetent adults with HHV-7 viremia
A distinctive maculopaular pattern involving the acral areas and sometimes the trunk.
Accurate Multiplex Assay for Viral Causes of Vesicular Diseases
Assay for monkeypox virus, HSV1-2, HHV-6, VZV and enteroviruses.
Systematic review of pityriasis rosea following COVID-19 and/or vaccination
Pityriasis rosea was reported more frequently after vaccination than during or after acute infection.
Coinfection of CMV and HHV-6A boosts fibrosis-associated microRNAs in fibroblasts
Investigators see possible links to systemic sclerosis, liver fibrosis and cardiovascular remodeling.
HHV-6 as a trigger for chronic fatigue syndrome: a meta-analysis
Systematic review and meta-analysis confirm an association, but not a causal link, between HHV-6 and CFS
Does HHV-6B reactivate in COVID-19 patients?
So far only one case report has documented HHV-6B reactivation in COVID-19, but the rise in Kawasaki-like symptoms and pityriasis rosea has at least one dermatology group suspicious of HHV-6/7 reactivation.
An explanation for why HHV-6 reactivation and DRESS lead to autoimmunity
Patients with DRESS/DIHS hypersensitivity reactions and active HHV-6 often develop autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes and autoimmune thyroiditis. Investigators at National Taiwan University Hospital believe that IP-10 is key to this process.
HHV-6A detected in the skin biopsies of systemic sclerosis patients
A group led by Elisabetta Caselli at University of Ferrara discovered HHV-6A in the skin and elevated levels of HHV6-B in the peripheral blood of systemic sclerosis patients
HHV-6 and enterovirus confirmed as the leading cause “fever without source” in young children
A Swiss team studied 134 young children who were experiencing unidentified high fevers and were able to find at least one virus in 35% of those patients. The two biggest culprits were enterovirus (14%) and HHV-6 (11%).
Does CD134 upregulation explain why HHV-6 reactivates preferentially in DRESS/ DIHS?
It has long been a mystery why HHV-6 is preferentially reactivated in drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS), also known as drug induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DIHS). HHV-6 reactivation occurs in over 60% of severe cases and is part of the definition of DIHS in Japan. Investigators in Japan suspect that the explanation may lie with the CD134 receptor on activated CD4 cells.
HHV-6B associated with severe GVHD and may explain “fever of unknown origin” in 30% of pediatric stem cell transplant patients
HHV-6 may be the cause of “fever of unknown origin” in 30% of stem cell transplant (SCT) patients. By the third week after SCT, 70% of HHV-6 positive patients had a skin rash, compared to 39% of HHV-6 negative patients.
Pityriasis rosea, HHV-6, and the increased risk of miscarriage
Italian study finds 62% of women who developed PR early in their pregnancies miscarried
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