Expert Opinion: Dr. Louis Flamand calls for screening of transplant organs and cells for ciHHV-6 status

Dr. Flamand, a professor and molecular virologist at Université Laval in Quebec city, has written an editorial calling for screening of organ donors for ciHHV-6 status and careful monitoring of recipients of ciHHV-6 donor tissues for signs of active HHV-6 infection and HHV-6 antigen-induced immune rejection. Flamand also questions whether solid organs and stem cells derived from persons with ciHHV-6 should be used in transplantation.

HHV-6 status epilepticus in an immunocompetent adult

Immunocompetent adults are not supposed to get HHV-6 encephalitis or status epilepticus (SE) and HHV-6 testing is rarely performed in these patients. A new case report from Baylor suggests that testing for HHV-6 in these patients may be worthwhile.

HHV-6 and EBV elevated in the GI tract of HIV+ patients

A group from Sapienza University in Rome has found a significantly elevated prevalence of HHV-6 and a higher viral load for EBV in the stomach and duodenum biopsies of patients with HIV compared to controls, suggesting that these viruses may contribute to the development of gastric cancer in immunocompromised patients.