Dr. Flamand, a professor and molecular virologist at Université Laval in Quebec city, has written an editorial calling for screening of organ donors for ciHHV-6 status and careful monitoring of recipients of ciHHV-6 donor tissues for signs of active HHV-6 infection and HHV-6 antigen-induced immune rejection. Flamand also questions whether solid organs and stem cells derived from persons with ciHHV-6 should be used in transplantation.
HHV-6A reactivation in a ciHHV-6A transplant patient with encephalitis
Experts emphasize need for larger studies to determine the impact of ciHHV-6 on patient outcomes
HHV-6 infection elevates MMP-9 & TIMP-1 causing BBB dysfunction, febrile seizures
A group led by Takashi Ichiyama has determined that serum levels of both matrix metallopreinase-9 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproeinases-1 are significantly elevated in infants with HHV-6 infection compared to controls, leading to a dysfunction of the blood brain barrier.
HHV-6 status epilepticus in an immunocompetent adult
Immunocompetent adults are not supposed to get HHV-6 encephalitis or status epilepticus (SE) and HHV-6 testing is rarely performed in these patients. A new case report from Baylor suggests that testing for HHV-6 in these patients may be worthwhile.
Can a novel free radical scavenger help patients with HHV-6 encephalopathy?
Edaravone shows promise for reducing oxidation and neuronal damage in AESD.
HHV-6 reactivation with status epilepticus and hyponatremia after transplantation
A report published by a group from the University of Minnesota details the case of a 59-year-old male who developed non-convulsive status epilepticus and hyponatremia in addition to HHV-6 reactivation following umbilical cord blood transplantation.
New findings characterize immune response to HHV-6
New details may help advance the field of HHV-6 immunotherapy.
HHV-6 and EBV elevated in the GI tract of HIV+ patients
A group from Sapienza University in Rome has found a significantly elevated prevalence of HHV-6 and a higher viral load for EBV in the stomach and duodenum biopsies of patients with HIV compared to controls, suggesting that these viruses may contribute to the development of gastric cancer in immunocompromised patients.
Active ciHHV-6 linked to heart failure, a condition treatable by antiviral therapy
Berlin Charite study shows heart failure patients with active ciHHV-6 can be treated successfully with antivirals.
HHV-6 DNA in the CSF results in poor survival for HSCT patients
Should physicians automatically discount HHV-6 if any other pathogen is found in the CSF? Should patients with both HHV-6 and EBV DNA in the CSF be treated only for EBV? These are the questions that UW group tried to sort out in this study.
Interview with Michael Boeckh and Joshua Hill on potential risks for ciHHV6 patients undergoing HCT
The University of Washington and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center are at the forefront of studying the role of HHV-6 and ciHHV-6 in stem cell transplant patients. We asked their view on the implications immunocompromised patients with integrated HHV-6A reactivating with their own inherited virus.
HHV-6 antibody level correlates with relapse and progression in MS patients
Anti-HHV-6 IgG titer may be a useful prognostic factor in predicting relapsing-remitting MS clinical course
HHV-6 reactivation predicts graft failure in cord blood transplant patients
HHV-6 reactivation before engraftment strongly predictive of graft failure
Two types of HHV-6 positivity in CNS demyelinating disease
New study shows HHV-6 may induce demyelination through both B and T-cell reaction. HHV-6 oligoclonal bands were also found in cases of clinically isolated syndrome.
Inhibition of IL-2 gene expression by HHV-6 U54
Dr. Louis Flamand’s laboratory in Quebec, Canada, has published an article with evidence that points toward a detailed mechanism for inhibition of IL-2 gene expression by HHV-6.