Italian investigators found that HHV-6 latency-associated gene U94, inserted in a HSV1 vector, inhibited the development of breast cancer, cervical cancer, and lung metastasis. It also impaired tumor driven angiogenesis.
Neoplasia: could iciHHV-6A cause a benign HPV strain to turn deadly?
Human papillomavirus 4 is a benign strain not associated with cancer. However, in a woman with inherited chromosomally integrated HHV-6A, a high grade vaginal squamous lesion developed rapidly. The authors warn that there may be a synergistic effect between HPV4 and iciHHV6A.
Does the high level of U94 in iciHHV-6 contribute to abnormal ‘marker’ chromosomes and cancer?
Investigators from the University of Ferrara, Italy have found evidence suggesting that high levels of U94 in ciHHV6 may predispose to the formation of marker chromosomes. A patient with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma positive for inherited chromosomally integrated HHV-6A and HHV-6A was also found in a marker chromosome, an abnormal piece of chromosome that is seen in some leukemia and lymphomas.
HHV-6 lymphadenopathy mimicking lymphoma
Investigators at Yale University warn that hypersensitivity-associated HHV-6 lymphadenopathy can have the same presentation as lymphoma.
HHV-6, HHV-7 & EBV found in lymphoproliferative disorders of the ocular adnexa
Biopsies from patients with 5 types of lymphoproliferative disorders of the ocular adnexa, were found to contain HHV-6 DNA in 9 of 70 (12.9%) samples. While an overall detection rate of 12.9% is significant, HHV-6 was even more prevalent among those with benign lymphoproliferative disorders; HHV-6 was found in 22.7% of those with IgG4-related ophthalmic disease and 28.6% of those with orbital reactive lymphoid hyperplasia.
EBV and HHV-6B but no CMV found in astrocytomas by digital droplet PCR
A group from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH, has reported finding Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) and HHV-6 but no cytomegalovirus (CMV) in astrocytomas, a brain tumor comprising approximately one quarter of all gliomas diagnosed. The group used digital droplet PCR (ddPCR), a technique that is highly precise but less sensitive than nested PCR and immunohistochemistry, techniques that have been used in previous studies.
High prevalence of HHV-6B & HPV in invasive pituitary adenomas
A recent study from investigators at Chongqing University in China explored the involvement of three viruses in the progression of pituitary adenomas (PA). The authors suggest that the HPV-16 and HHV-6 viruses activate the TLR3/ NF-kB signaling pathway which in turn contributes to the progression and proliferation of invasive pituitary adenomas.
ciHHV-6 found in adrenocortical tumors
Since the discovery of chromosomally integrated HHV-6 (ciHHV-6), investigators have wondered about the potential consequences of having chromosome integrated HHV-6 in the genome.
UK study reports ciHHV-6 not associated with classical Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Scottish study finds inheritance of ciHHV-6 does not increase the risk of developing cHL
Preliminary evidence indicates HHV-6B may be involved in the sporadic development of adenomatous GI Polyps
A group from Finland’s Helsinki University Hospital has published preliminary evidence to suggest HHV-6B may be involved in the development of adenomatous gastrointestinal polyps
HHV-6 & HHV-7 may accelerate disease progression in patients with gastrointestinal cancer
A research team from Riga Stradins University in Latvia has reported that the activation of HHV-6B and HHV-7 in patients with gastrointestinal cancer may lead to a marked decrease in lymphocytes and worsening of immunosuppression.
HHV-6 Latent Infection Identified in Patients with Glioma
Investigators from Nanjing Medical University have found HHV-6 latent infection in glioma tissues, and have isolated a strain of HHV-6A from the glioma cyst.
Yale study ties HHV-6 to Hodgkin’s lymphoma
A thorough investigation of the association between HHV-6 and Hodgkin’s lymphoma finds the presence of HHV-6 in a majority of nodular sclerosis cases of HL.