Dr. Yoshizo Asano and colleagues in Japan report that in measles immunosuppression, cells sensitized to HHV-6B immediate early and early antigen proteins may suppress replication cycles and virus formation, resulting in an “incomplete” subclinical state of reactivation.
New HHV-6 reagent available from The HHV-6 Foundation: DR7 Mab
We are pleased to announce that with the help of a few HHV-6 specialists, especially Prof. Louis Flamand from Canada, we have generated the monoclonal antibody DR-7.
REVIEW: Important differences between the HHV-6A and HHV-6B viruses
An international group of experts summarize the significant differences between the two viruses.
Human herpesvirus replication is activated by apoptosis
A group led by Steven Zeichner has published evidence that suggests the replication of all human herpesviruses can be activated by apoptosis.
Humanized mouse model demonstrates HHV-6A infection can cause significant immune dysfunction
Could treatment of HHV-6A co-infections slow AIDS progression?
MCP-1 found elevated in the CSF of patients with HHV-6B encephalopathy
Japanese group identifies several cytokine and chemokine responses associated with HHV-6B encephalopathy.
HHV-6B infection promotes unique pro-inflammatory effects tied to neurocognitive decline and artherosclerosis
HHV-6A and HHV-6B each express distinct chemokines that are uniquely capable of activating key inflammatory cytokines.
New HHV-6B specific cellular receptor identified
CD134, a member of the TNF receptor superfamily, has now been shown as a specific entry receptor for HHV-6B.
Chlamydia infection induces activation of ciHHV-6 leading to linear and circular DNA
A laboratory at the University of Wurzburg has published evidence that Chlamydia trachomatis may induce the activation of ciHHV-6.
Why does HHV-6 reactivate preferentially in CBT?
A group from France has reported new findings which may help explain the mystery behind the increased rates of HHV-6 reactivation and encephalitis observed among umbilical cord blood transplant (CBT) patients.
Bortezomib may increase risk of HHV-6 reactivation in myeloma patients
A new study has reported that the use of Bortezomib, known commercially as Velcade, may increase the risk of HHV-6 reactivation in myeloma patients undergoing stem cell transplantation.
HHV-6 induces oxidative stress and chlamydial persistence
Findings indicate that HHV-6 infection leads to decreased glutathione production, increased oxidative stress, and induces chlamydial persistence during co-infection
Group identifies HHV-6B-specific CD8+ T Cell response
A new study from the University of Munchen in Munich, Germany, has identified a subset of CD8+ T cells that specifically recognize HHV-6B and not HHV-6A.
HHV-6A and HHV-6B now recognized as two distinct viruses
The International Committee for Taxonomy of Viruses has made it official. HHV-6A and HHV-6B are two distinct viruses, each with their own characteristics and disease associations.
Group further characterizes HHV-6 CD4+ T cell response
In a recent publication, investigators from the University of Massachusetts reported the first fine characterization of the CD4+ T cell response to HHV-6.