New study shows HHV-6 may induce demyelination through both B and T-cell reaction. HHV-6 oligoclonal bands were also found in cases of clinically isolated syndrome.
Inhibition of IL-2 gene expression by HHV-6 U54
Dr. Louis Flamand’s laboratory in Quebec, Canada, has published an article with evidence that points toward a detailed mechanism for inhibition of IL-2 gene expression by HHV-6.
Pityriasis rosea, HHV-6, and the increased risk of miscarriage
Italian study finds 62% of women who developed PR early in their pregnancies miscarried
More details emerge on the interaction between HHV-6B and its newly discovered cellular receptor, CD134
After discovering a novel human receptor (CD134) used by HHV-6B for cellular entry last year, Dr. Yasuko Mori’s group at Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan has released additional details regarding the interaction of HHV-6B its newly described receptor.
Is there a new HHV-6 animal model on the horizon?
Seattle group announces the discovery of novel HHV-6 and HHV-7 homologs in pig-tailed macaques
HMGB-1 found to be preferentially elevated in DIHS/DRESS: the key to HHV-6 reactivation?
A group of investigators in Japan have determined that HMGB-1, an inflammatory cytokine released in response to trauma, stress, and surgery, is highly elevated in DIHS/DRESS patients.
Risk of HHV-6 encephalopathy linked to a specific class I HLA-B allele
A group from Japan has conducted a retrospective study of 130 patients who underwent stem cell transplantation in an attempt to identify a risk factor for the development of encephalopathy.
Fatal HHV-6 encephalitis in children with POLG mitochondrial disorders
HHV-6 encephalitis as a trigger in children with POLG mitochondrial disorders? Two cases of fatal Alpers-Huttenlocher syndrome
HHV-6A protein identified in as the target of HHV-6 specific oligoclonal bands in MS
HHV-6A major capsid protein identified in CSF of MS patients: a case of molecular mimicry?
New assay shows promise for diagnosis of low-grade HHV-6 infection and ciHHV-6
Two papers published this month highlight the potential of the new 3rd generation PCR assays in the field of HHV-6 diagnostics.
New mouse model of HHV-6A CNS infection developed
New model of HHV-6A infection demonstrates persistent abortive infection and neuroinflammation via TLR9
HHV-6B protein DR6 identified as inducer of cell cycle arrest in G2/M
Dr. Hollsberg’s team at Aarhus University in Denmark has identified the protein responsible for this crucial mechanism of cell-cycle specific interruption.
TNF-α predicts HHV-6 reactivation and disease progression in patients with DIHS/DRESS
While elevated TNF-a detected at the early onset of disease is a strong indicator for the early recognition of HHV-6 reactivation, this finding also reflects important therapeutic information that could be used as an early diagnostic marker of DIHS/DRESS.
Spotlight on Horvat & Reynaud from INSERM
Branka Horvat, MD, PhD, Director of Research at the International Centre for Infectiology Research in Lyon, France (INSERM), and her doctoral student Josephine Reynaud have recently published an important paper on a new transgenic mouse model
Activation of ciHHV-6 by telomeric circle formation
Additional evidence that shortened telomeres can cause the release and possible activation of integrated HHV-6.