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HHV-6A, infertility and miscarriage: a hypothesis

In All, Endocrine Conditions, Immune Dysfunction, Infertility & Miscarriage by Kristin Loomis

Growing evidence implicates HHV-6, especially HHV-6A, in some cases of female infertility, miscarriage, and other gestational problems affecting both the mother and child. The authors of the paper wonder if heparin, an anticoagulant with antiviral properties often used to treat infertility, might mitigate the detrimental effects of HHV-6 in the uterine environment.

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HHV-6 reactivation tied to early hypogammaglobulinemia in drug hypersensitivity syndrome

In All, Drug Hypersensitivity, Immune Dysfunction by Kristin Loomis

A Spanish study of drug-induced eosinophilia found that early hypogammaglobulinemia was associated with subsequent HHV-6 reactivation in patients with severe drug hypersensitivity syndromes. This study of 274 cases at La Paz University Hospital in Madrid confirms earlier reports from Japan and France that described transient reductions of total IgG at the outset of drug hypersensitivity reactions leading to HHV-6 reactivation.

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Virus-specific immunotherapy for transplant patients with primary immune deficiencies

In All, Immune Dysfunction, Transplant Complications, Treatments - Adoptive T cell by Kristin Loomis

A group from Baylor College of Medicine reviewed the efficacy of treating viral infections in transplant patients with primary immunodeficiencies using their viral-specific T lymphocytes. A total of 36 patients were treated with these immunotherapy infusions before or after undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and a complete or partial antiviral response were seen in 86% of patients with CMV, 76% of patients with EBV and all patients with adenovirus or HHV-6.