Isolating DNA fragments less than 120 base pairs enriches for viral vs. cellular DNA.
G-1082A polymorphism of IL-10 may protect against HHV-6/EBV adenoid hypertrophy
The presence of HHV-6 and EBV DNA in nasal secretions correlates with the degree of adenoid hypertrophy in children.
HHV-6A U14 protein and NFκB activate each other
The late protein U14 of HHV-6A can induce the pro-inflammatory transcription factor NFκB, and NFκB, in turn, can encourage the replication of HHV-6A.
Different isoforms of CD46 affect infectivity and replication of HHV-6A and HHV-6B
While CD134 remains the more important receptor for HHV-6B, HHV-6B can use the CD46 receptor when a T cell has the C1 isoform of CD46.
HHV-6B may enter cells that don’t express CD134 via the nectin-2 receptor
If confirmed, finding could explain ability of HHV-6B to infect salivary, liver and neural cells.
Modulation of HHV-6B and HHV-6A infection and gene expression by CD9
The tetraspanin CD9 promotes CD46-dependent cellular infection by HHV-6A and impairs CD46-independent infection by HHV-6B.
The U20 and U21 genes of HHV-6A downregulate NK cell attack
U20/21 genes may help HHV-6A evade immune response
4C-seq genomic methodology used to examine HHV-6A integration sites
Chromatin interactions help silence transcription of HHV-6A genes following integration
Updated mapping and proposed new annotation of the HHV-6B transcriptome
An analysis of the kinetics of gene expression during infection of human Molt-3 T-cells agrees with previous studies, but also demonstrates unique findings.
A large scale whole genome sequencing study sheds light on HHV-6 integration events
Investigators at the Riken Institute in Japan developed new computational methods to detect virus induced structural variants in the human genome
A comprehensive review of the role and potential functions HHV-6A/B U94
The review covers the role the U94 gene product plays in the virus’s life cycle, replication, and latency, as well as in the immune response.
iciHHV-6 may modulate human gene expression
A Japanese group found that ciHHV6 genes encoding for immunoglobulins were decreased in ciHHV6 individuals, possibly modulating immune responses.
Spontaneous gene expression in iciHHV-6A/B individuals leads to increased HHV-6 IE-1A/B and CMV antibody response; higher levels of RNA were found in iciHHV-6A brains
A comprehensive study of DNA and RNA-Seq data demonstrated in vivo gene expression in many iciHHV-6 tissues, with strong expression of IE-1 and matching elevated antibody response in iciHHV-6 individuals compared to controls.
Weizman Institute study reveals a comprehensive annotation of HHV-6A/B, providing a rich resource for future studies
Israeli scientists have identified hundreds of new open reading frames, generating an unbiased atlas of the HHV-6 proteome. They also identified three highly abundant long non-coding RNAs.
Differential gene expression pattern shared in herpesviruses, Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s patients
Researchers from GlaxoSmithKline found a significant overlap in differentially expressed genes shared by those with herpesvirus infections, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. On the other hand, there was no significant overlap between herpesviruses and Type 2 diabetes or Huntington’s disease.
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