A growing number of case reports reveal reactivation similar to that seen after hematopoietic stem cell therapy. Could CAR-T cells be a source of lytic HHV-6?
The dUTPases of HHV-6A and EBV may encourage autoimmunity in ME/CFS
Viral dUTPases are strong inducers of activin A and enhance T follicular helper-cell differentiation.
Elevated HHV-6 and EBV dUTPase antibody levels found in older populations
It remains unclear if there are lower levels of these antibodies in younger age groups.
Reactivation of latent herpesviruses and HERVS after mild COVID-19
Findings are accentuated in people with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome.
Differences in the cytopathic effect of HHV-6A and HHV-6B infection of neurons and glia
In vitro studies confirm that the two viruses infect different cell types, and generate different cytopathic effects, cytokine and growth factor responses.
HHV-6A promotes inflammation in astrocytoma cells by dysregulating autophagy
Infection increases ROS, induces ER stress and activates STAT3, NF-κB and mTOR pathways.
EBV and HHV-6 plasma viremia is infrequent at Day 7 during acute COVID-19
Other studies have suggested that reactivation of these viruses could theoretically contribute to a hyperinflammatory state or autoimmune disorders in acute COVID-19, but this study does not provide evidence of that.
Possible link between depression and HHV-6 infection in childhood
Serologic studies of several herpesviruses find that only HHV-6 may be linked to depression.
New seroepidemiological evidence that HHV-6 contributes to MS disease progression
Longitudinal study of people with a single initial episode of demyelination provides stronger evidence for HHV-6 than EBV in the pathogenesis of MS, but the evidence is not robust.
The presence of HHV-6 DNA in nasal swabs correlates with neurological symptoms in patients with severe COVID-19
40% of the patients with HHV-6 DNA had CNS symptoms, compared to 14.3% of the HHV-6 negative patients.
A relationship between human endogenous retroviruses and HHV-6A/B in multiple sclerosis patients
Significant positive correlations were found between HERV family proteins and antibodies to HHV-6A/B but not antibodies to EBV
CMV infection may diminish the risk of developing MS
Studies conducted on serum obtained before development of MS indicate possible protective role
Detection of HHV-6 miRNA in Multiple Sclerosis patients
HHV-6 miRNAs and antibodies were identified and significantly correlated with each other in serum and CSF of MS patients
Abnormal cytokine levels in children with epilepsy suggest link to inflammation
Unique pathways and significantly elevated cytokines were associated with a small cohort of pediatric seizure patients.
Imunocompromised patients with HHV-6 encephalitis have a ratio of CSF/blood viral load >1, whereas children with encephalitis due to primary infection have ratios of <1
Immunocompetent cases are typically children experiencing primary infection with high viral loads in the blood; cases in the immunocompromised typically involve reactivation in the brain tissue, with lower viral loads in the periphery