A combination of studies find that both reactivation and disease are infrequent after CAR-T therapy.
Febrile status epilepticus in infants with MRI-confirmed brain abnormalities linked to temporal lobe epilepsy later in life
Surprisingly, although HHV-6B has been linked to febrile seizures, febrile status epilepticus and temporal lobe epilepsy, the report contains no mention of the virus.
HHV-6 & acute pediatric hepatitis of unknown cause: Japan’s experience
Adeno-associated virus (AAV) linked to Japanese cases, but whether HHV-6 was a cofactor is uncertain.
HHV-6 found to be possible etiologic agent in some cases of acute hepatitis of unknown origin
Israeli study of 20 pediatric cases occurring in 2021 found more evidence for HHV-6 than for other viruses, including AAV2 and SARS-CoV-2.
Centrilobular necroinflammation associated with pediatric HHV-6+ acute liver failure
Would early treatment with antiviral therapy prevent the need for a liver transplant?
Co-infection of HHV-6A and EBV results in a 6.7 fold increased risk of developing multiple sclerosis
The increased risk occurred only in adults who were infected with EBV after their teenage years, and had elevated EBNA-1 antibodies.
Why does substituting CMV-specific letermovir for broad-spectrum anti-viral prophylaxis reduce the rate of HHV-6B encephalitis?
Japanese study replicates the paradoxical results of a prior US study, but fails to explain the paradox.
Antibodies to HHV-6 and HHV-6 dUTPase are strong predictors of Long COVID
CRP and IgA antibodies to activin-A are also important predictors.
New mechanism identified by which HHV-6B evades NK cell recognition
HHV-6B U20 protein inhibits NK cell attacks on virally-infected cells.
MicroRNA expression patterns suggest that HHV-6 may play a role in triggering systemic sclerosis
Expression pattern of several miRNAs in SS tissue parallels the pattern generated when dermal fibroblasts and endothelial cells are infected by HHV-6A and CMV.
Metformin reduces HHV-6A replication in T cells by activating AMPK
Conversely, HHV-6A infection increases viral replication by inhibiting AMPK and enhancing mTOR signaling and glycolysis.
Could HHV-6 reactivation in drug hypersensitivity trigger fulminant type 1 diabetes?
Small study demonstrates increased HHV-6 antibodies in all patients shortly before the onset of DIHS-associated fulminant diabetes.
HHV-6B DNA associated with worse clinical outcomes in high grade serous epithelial ovarian cancer
Multiplex assay for 113 viruses in tumor tissue finds six viruses, including HHV-6B, linked to reduced overall survival.
Reactivation of a transplant recipient’s iciHHV-6B resulted in an active infection of his donated liver
Investigators from the University of Helsinki used highly sophisticated techniques to establish that the donor’s integrated virus reactivated and then infected the graft. This thorough investigation highlights the potential pathological impact of iciHHV-6B in transplantation.
Biofire multiplex PCR assay accurately detects HHV-6 meningitis/encephalitis in immunocompromised adults
Utility of the assay in immunocompetent patients requires further study.